Affiliation No. 3530667

KIDE School Code: 80123

97588 48434

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Ranibagh, Haldwani (NAINITAL)

Message From Principal

Dear All,

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a small step. However what is important is the determination,the intent, the vision, with which that initial step is taken- for it is the purity, the nobility, the intensity of our purpose with which that initial step is taken that defines our ultimate goal.
For us here in the school, it is our responsibility that the baby steps of the children are converted into concrete footprints that impact the future of our society in a positive way by imbibing the right values, ethos and education.
I am sure that with the wherewithals available in the school we - the school ,the staff and the parents will embark on a journey that will help us create socially productive leaders in all aspects of social life in future.
I as Principal would extend an invitation to all our parents to be a part of this wonderful experience of moulding their children into great assets of society. Finally our school’s motto is— “ If you give a man a fish- you feed him for a day, if you teach the man fishing you feed him for a lifetime “ Stay Safe, Stay Healthy

God Bless All


Ms. Pooja Nainwal (M.Sc B.ED)
[ KIDE Convent International School ]





